Tests for images, figures and tables

Single images

Image with no alt:

Image with alt:

Cute kitten 1

Image with alt and figcaption

Cute kitten 2
Fig1. A cute kitten

Image with caption but without alt

Fig1. A cute kitten

Image within figcaption with alt

Cute kitten 3

Image within figcaption without alt or caption

Several images next to each other

Two images without alts:

Three images without alts:

Four images without alts:

Three figures without captions or alts:

Two images with alts:

Cute kitten 4 Cute kitten 5

Two images with alts but no captions:

Cute kitten 6
Cute kitten 7

Two images with captions but no alts:

Fig1. A cute kitten
Fig2. A cute kitten


A single table:

Header 1 Header 2
Cell 1 Cell 2

Two tables:

Header 1 Header 2
Cell 1 Cell 2
Header 1 Header 2
Cell 1 Cell 2